Monday, May 17, 2010

Blogging Hiatus Almost Over

Sorry for the silence. It was rough getting the family out the door to Ukraine. I've been elbow deep in rocket stuff and trying to keep myself from lapsing into depression. They're going to be gone until the 26th of June. I miss them terribly.

To make matters worse, there is a lot of very distressing news coming back from Ukraine. Prices for food, for example, are nearly US prices...yet the average Ukrainian income is 5 to 10% (at most) of an American family. In fact, in some cases, things and food that we take for granted here, is something that Americans would avoid for the price even with American prices.

Brown outs are common.

Violent crime has gone waaaay the hell up. Murders are not uncommon. Rape has sky rocketed.

Despite the fact that the Party of Regions won the Gorlovka, Donestk area, do not mistake that as support for the government. They were very ticked at the Orange Coalition for its stupidity., but there was a lot of pre-election coercion as well. They are extremely angry with the world right now. Despite what some say, this includes Russia. The Ukrainians have NOT forgotten the Gas War.

I may have enough soon to write something up, but truthfully, I am going to be sleepless until they come home.

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