Friday, May 07, 2010

Puerto Rico Status in the Senate (sorta HR 2499)

May 19, 2010: Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Date of scheduled hearing. SD-366. 9:30 a.m.

I'll have more time after everyone is enroute on Tuesday. I suspect the fight in the Senate will be rougher than in the House. Oh, I do disagree with Noel. Later, folks. later.

1 comment:

  1. I've only heard you make two arguments in favor of statehood.

    (1) The Supreme Court could overturn its precedents and do evil things! Well, yes. There isn't any way to respond to that.

    (2) Esthetics. Ditto.

    So help me out here, man!

    I'd also like to know why high speed rail is bad while firing disintegrating totem poles into space is good.
