Monday, June 14, 2010

Arizona's Republicans Must be INSANE!

Buoyed by recent public opinion polls suggesting they're on the right track with illegal immigration, Arizona Republicans will likely introduce legislation this fall that would deny birth certificates to children born in Arizona - and thus American citizens according to the U.S. Constitution - to parents who are not legal U.S. citizens. The law largely is the brainchild of state Sen. Russell Pearce, a Republican whose suburban district, Mesa, is considered the conservative bastion of the Phoenix political scene. He is a leading architect of the Arizona law that sparked outrage throughout the country: Senate Bill 1070, which allows law enforcement officers to ask about someone's immigration status during a traffic stop, detainment or arrest if reasonable suspicion exists - things like poor English skills, acting nervous or avoiding eye contact during a traffic stop.

But the likely new bill is for the kids. While SB 1070 essentially requires of-age migrants to have the proper citizenship paperwork, the potential "anchor baby" bill blocks the next generation from ever being able to obtain it. The idea is to make the citizenship process so difficult that illegal immigrants pull up the "anchor" and leave.

The question is whether that would violate the U.S. Constitution. The 14th Amendment states that "all persons, born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States." It was intended to provide citizenship for freed slaves and served as a final answer to the Dred Scott case, cementing the federal government's control over citizenship.


I thoroughly understand the frustration over illegal immigration. We have been locked in a struggle with dealing with the USCIS and its stupidity in trying to get Lyuda's citizenship for the past three years. We can't even have her family come and visit because of the stupid immigration rules. We sit here more than a bit jealous and angered over the fact that others come across the border relatively easily.


Arizona is going down the path of nullification. Oh, they are skirting the line, but damnit, it is enshrined in the Constitution of the United States that being born in the US - irrespective of whether or not your folks are citizens - grants you citizenship! This is an incredible slippery slope otherwise. How many people can prove they are citizens? They may have their birth certificate...somewhere.

This is fscking insane.

Note: I have been a borderer. I have lived in areas with high illegal immigration. I have been frustrated. However,






This is WRONG!

The greater Republican Party better put immense pressure on the Arizonians to withdraw even considering this bill or I and many others will be defecting to the Democrats. Furthermore, we'll be working our damnest to crush the party.

Yes, I am a Republican and I find this abhorrent.

1 comment:

  1. Anansii12:14 AM

    Gotta agree on that one; it's grandstanding and not very bright grandstanding at that. After all, US Citizenship is the purview of Federal Law, not that of individual states. Sympathies - it's never fun to have your state legislators go bonkers on you.
