Monday, June 14, 2010

Yet Another Ceratopsian: Ojoceratops fowleri

He was roaming around northwestern New Mexico some 70 million years ago.

This week, he was reintroduced to the world.

Ojoceratops fowleri, one of the largest known horned dinosaurs, was actually discovered in 2005 in the Four Corners area in the Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness.

The discovery of the Ojoceratops fowleri bones, the events surrounding it and the details about the new ceratopsid dinosaur were released Thursday in a study published in the book The Horned Dinosaurs.

"Ojoceratops is a very distinctive beast," Robert M. Sullivan, senior curator of paleontology and geology at the State Museum of Pennsylvania, said in a news released issued by the New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science. Sullivan led the series of expeditions to recover the bones.


Sullivan described the dinosaur in the (Mechanicsburg, Pa.,) Patriot-News on Tuesday as a three-horned vegetarian bigger than a hippopotamus and smaller than an elephant, about 17 to 20 feet in length.

"Based on other bones, such as the lower jaw and predentary, found in the same rock formation, Ojoceratops rivaled the size of Torosaurus and some of the larger specimens of Triceratops," Lucas said.

The original discovery in 2005 was made by then-field assistant and current Montana State University Ph.D. student Denver Fowler.

Hattip Paleoblog.

We need a need ceratopsian cladogram!!! This is getting ridiculous! How many new ceratopsians are in that book?!

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