Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Big Thing Off (sorta) My Plate

One of the big things that I have gotten off my plate was raising the $50,000 fee for the Google Lunar X Prize entry that we were attempting. In this economy it has been more than a challenge. It was more than stressful, frankly, and it almost didn't happen. The very last cheque was signed at 2:20 PM on the last day it was possible to turn it in when the flight for the courier was at 3 PM from San Jose to LAX to hand deliver the money by 6 PM. The journey that he went through to get it there was something that ought to be an adventure novel in and of itself.

There have been massive personal problems happening during the time frame that the fund raising was happening. It was really tough. Excruciatingly tough. I honestly didn't know if I would keep together pretty much anything since we were in such bad shape at times. Honestly, I almost came apart at the seams, frankly.

Some say the great thing is not to lose your nerve. Others say man up. Some say to stop whining. Others still say less talk, more do.

We did 'do.' Big time.

This has been a huge deal for me. I've been working towards this point for three years. It's a midway point through the project. There are a lot of very exciting developments that I cannot talk about here nor will I. However, let's just say even if we never land on the Moon, we will have won this competition hands down.

Hands down.

And some day, I'll explain that.

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