Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Geography of the XenoPermian

The XenoPermian Period is a fictitious, alternate geological period that takes place because we hand wave away the Permian Extinction. The assumed point of departure is that the Permian Extinction never takes place. The reason for this is that the Siberian Traps are defused and their eruptions happen over a much longer period of time. This has knock-on effects. One of them being that the world's geography is different...

No, I am not the artist. Scott is.

Just wait until the unveiling of Raven's Walrodont. Wow. Along with the suminid...they're stunning.



  1. Read it as "XeonPermian", and thought it was some new server chip from Intel.

    Come to think of it, if I were an IC manufacturer, I'd codename everything after geological periods.

  2. That WOULD be an interesting set of chip names. huh. I'll keep that in mind.

  3. My hand just did a quick swipe over my head, a confused expression on my face. The Permian Extinction never happened?
