Thursday, July 19, 2012

From Gaviota, California

This was a beach that I went to a lot when I was a kid prior to moving to Los Alamos, NM.  I visited a few times after but not in 25+ years.  Its changed.  A lot.  The Geo geeks must love the exposed bits.  lol.

ok.  Geo Geeking here:

Overall grain size of lower unit becomes finer in northwest part of map area, and at Bartlett Canyon, lower unit has been previously interpreted to grade westward into marine sandstone of the upper Eocene and lowermost Oligocene (Refugian) Gaviota Formation (Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963; Howard, 1995). However, correlation of lower Sespe beds with Gaviota in this area is questionable due to fault complications (as noted in Weaver and Kleinpell, 1963) and because unequivocal marine, fossil-bearing interbeds were not observed within the lower unit during our mapping. Possibly the lower Sespe transition into the Gaviota is confined to the small area where the lower conglomerate and sandstone unit pinches out in Glen Annie Canyon. The locally gradational nature of the basal Sespe contact with the underlying Coldwater Sandstone is consistent with a late Eocene age for part or all of the lower conglomerate and sandstone unit.

From here (PDF).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:10 PM

    our family went there a lot too in the summers of 60s. I went back with my daughter about 7 years ago, it looks the same, only not as busy. Nice, clean, little park/pier.
