Friday, September 28, 2012

OY! ON STEROIDS! Supercomputers on the Moon!

The proposal by USC doctoral student Ouliang Chang, presented last week at the the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Space 2012 conference, proposes a sci-fi solution to a real-world data overload challenge. NASA controls its interplanetary satellite missions through the Deep Space Network (DSN), a ring of huge satellite dishes in California, Spain and Australia. But the massive amounts of data traffic being sent to NASA is growing at a rate the current set-up can’t handle. Chang has proposed that one way to ease the strain would be to build a supercomputer and accompanying radio dishes on the moon.

This is...such a bad idea I cannot even start. You know what. I will. Though on the official GLXP blog for my team. If there was ever someone that has the background to comment, it'd be me.  I think this counts as my He3 for lunar applications.

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