Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Late Permian Russian Cynodont Dvinia prima's Cranial Morphology Explored

Cranial morphology of Dvinia prima amalitzky (Cynodontia, Theromorpha)


1. M. F. Ivakhnenko (a)


a. Borissiak Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Profsoyuznaya ul. 123, Moscow, 117997 Russia


The study of the skull of the Late Permian cynodont Dvinia prima Amalitzky, 1922 shows a combination of the general primitive skull design (many incisors, preservation of the precanine and large interpterygoid fenestra, etc) with the development of a number of “advanced” features (expansion of the temporal fenestra, development of the parietal crest, and closed pineal foramen, unusual structure of the premaxilla, complicated postcanines, and reduction of the angular wing). Dvinia prima is treated as a specialized omnivore and assigned to the family Dviniidae Sushkin, 1928 of the superfamily Thrinaxodontoidea Seeley, 1894.

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