Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Aurornis xui: Feathered Relative of Early Birds, Proves Feathers Before Flight

Feathered dinosaurs used to be as valuable as gold dust. Now, so many specimens have been unearthed that museums are overflowing. But for all the specimens, a crucial question has remained unanswered: which species was the original ancestor of birds?

A new species found in China has shed light on the answer. The two-foot long Aurornis xui, the “daybreak bird,” fleshes out the relationships between bird-like dinosaurs and, along with its cousin species Archaeopteryx and Anchiornis, restores its lineage as the likely predecessors of birds.

The early relationships of a group called Avialae, the dinosaur line leading directly to modern birds, have been a hot point of debate. Over the last few years, with new bird-like dinosaur discoveries, some palaeontologists have even removed the iconic Archaeopteryx and its relatives from the Avialae group altogether. However, this shift would have meant that powered flight evolved multiple times in feathered dinosaurs, a less likely situation than one such adaptation.

Now, Aurornis xui, named in honor of dinosaur hunter Xu Xing, appears to have settled that part of the debate. Along with Anchiornis of the same age (about 155-160 million years), and Archaeopteryx (150 million years), Aurornis fits within the earliest ancestry of Avialae. The existence of three contemporary species allowed researchers to triangulate their relationships based on their appearance. Archaeopteryx was knocked off its perch as the oldest bird back in 2009 by Anchiornis, and now Aurornis has finished the dethroning, with the three species together sitting at the very base of the Avialae lineage that would later give rise to all other birds.

For a moment when I saw the reconstruction, I thought the chickensaurus project was successful!

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