Thursday, May 16, 2013

Craziness on BART This Morning

BART service was snarled for more than two hours Thursday morning when a man climbed onto the roof of a busy transfer station in Oakland to wave at train operators, then ran around a nearby freeway and finally clambered onto the top of two trains before being detained, authorities said.

The man was taken away for psychiatric evaluation after officers grabbed him. "He kept saying over and over again, 'I need help. Please don't hurt me, I need help,' " said BART spokeswoman Alicia Trost.

The man was first spotted climbing onto the roof of the MacArthur BART Station and waving at operators around 5:30 a.m., Trost said.

As police inched closer to the man, he leaped to the top of a train in the station and ran from one end to the other before jumping onto Highway 24.

For almost the next hour, BART police chased the man as he "hid in the bushes for a bit," ran back across the freeway and scaled a barbed-wire fence, and hoisted himself on top on two other stopped BART trains, Trost said.
I missed this only because Avrora and I were running late.  This is our walk day and we leave early to walk to her school.  Today we were running late and I got to BART a 1/2 hour later than planned.  The train was packed.  I didn't know why, but now I do. 

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