Monday, August 12, 2013

Did India Launch Its First Home-built Aircraft Carrier?

I have seen multiple reports the INS Vikrant, India's first home-built aircraft carrier, has been launched.  The only problem is, as far as I can see, either those reports are erroneous, or the pictures which have been released are wrong.  Or maybe the design is pretty radical.

For example:

These pictures from CNN show the carrier without an island:

This is the island for the USS Ronald Reagan.

Now an island-less aircraft carrier is not unheard of, the USS United States class after WW2 was to be built with an island:

 However, I am pretty certain all modern carriers and those ever built and put into service in the last 60 years have been with an island.  So, is the INS Vikrant not actually launched or is it a radical design?

So...what's the story with the INS Vikrant?  Was it a PR stunt because the rebuilt Russian Gorshkov/INS Vikramaditya is so delayed?  Or perhaps because the Chinese have started building their second Varyag (or variant thereof)?  Or perhaps the media has gotten it wrong (*gasp*shock*)?


  1. it is no publicity stunt
    perhaps u need to check the meaning of launched ( for this means out to sea) and it will take another 4 years for all the construction to take place and then it will be out for sea trials and then commissioned.
    get it sir

  2. You should find out the process of shipbuilding first before you write something ridiculous in your blog.This is only 1st stage completion,2nd phase involves the installation of island etc.All warships are launched in 1st phase without an island.

  3. Anonymous5:45 AM

    its being build at cochin kochi. beside the southern command of indian navy....and it would take another 5 years for completion.....only phase 1 has been completed...and phase 2 is on the way...............and plz read some articles or just surf and get good info. before u write something...jai hind

  4. ecurb6:21 PM

    Who needs spies when you can taunt proud young Indians into giving away intel online?

    Guys guys, India is already a force to be reckoned with, best to keep your competitors guessing. The less they know the better.
