Friday, August 30, 2013

Russian Claim to be Deploying ASAT/ABM Capable Air Defense S-500 Missile in 2017

Russia's defense ministry plans to deploy in 2017 a sophisticated new air missile defense system that can hit targets in space, a senior ministry source told Russian news agencies on Friday.

"The promising S-500 air defense missile system is at the development stage. It's planned to be deployed in 2017," the source was quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency.

The long-range system will be able to destroy targets even if they are in space and cover the whole Russian territory, the source added.

Russia is developing more and more effective missile defense systems for use as a deterrent while opposing plans by the United States to build a missile defense shield in Europe.


If that's a mobile missile I'll shocked.  

I would not be shocked if this was vaporware.

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