Wednesday, August 07, 2013

The Resonance of the (Exoplanet) Spheres

Exoplanet Predictions Based on the Generalised Titius-Bode Relation


1. Timothy Bovaird (a,b)
2. Charles H. Lineweaver (a,b,c)


a. Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

b. Planetary Science Institute, Australian National University

c. Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University


We evaluate the extent to which newly detected exoplanetary systems containing at least four planets adhere to a generalized Titius-Bode (TB) relation. We find that the majority of exoplanet systems in our sample adhere to the TB relation to a greater extent than the Solar System does, particularly those detected by the Kepler mission. We use a generalized TB relation to make a list of predictions for the existence of 141 additional exoplanets in 68 multiple-exoplanet systems: 73 candidates from interpolation, 68 candidates from extrapolation. We predict the existence of a low-radius (R less than 2:5R ) exoplanet within the habitable zone of KOI-812 and that the average number of planets in the habitable zone of a star is 1-2. The usefulness of the TB relation and its validation as a tool for predicting planets will be partially tested by upcoming Kepler data releases.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Colleague,
    I am sending you information. Have a look at it please.
    Georgi Gladyshev
    Professor of Physical Chemistry

    Titius - Bode law (Liesegang)
    There is proposed a hypothesis according to which the regular structure of planetary systems can be explained as a consequence of spatially periodic condensation of gaseous matter during the formation of the Central Body.
    According to the hypothesis, the periodic condensation on cosmic scales is analogous to the Liesegang phenomenon. Calculations indicate that the hypothesis is in agreement with certain facts: the mechanism of condensation under consideration does not contradict the basic laws of diffusion and s number of physical models:
    Now the Titius-Bode law sometimes helps to find new exoplanets!
    According to the model Saturn is younger Earth. Titan is younger than Saturn!
    The violation of law may be in the latter stages of the evolution of planetary and satellite systems as a consequence of the action of gravitational forces.
