Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Future Planetary Exploration on Interplanetary Cubesats

I’ve seen the evolution of computers used as an analogy for the evolution of spacecraft. Once, all computers were massive machines (called mainframes). Then the evolution of electronics allowed the creation of what were known as mini-computers that expanded the number of organizations that could afford the computer. Further evolution brought the personal computer to billions of people, and now the smart phone allows hundreds of millions of use to carry computers in our pockets.

Similarly, planetary spacecraft originally tended to be large missions (today called Flagships). NASA’s New Frontiers and Discovery program enabled a series of lower cost missions that can be compared to mini-computers. As I discussed in an August post, planetary SmallSats could become the equivalent of personal computers.

Before the decade is out, I expect that we will have at least one planetary mission based on the equivalent of the smartphone, a CubeSat.


I can confirm I had nothing to do with the post.  However, I can neither confirm nor deny I am involved in conspiracies to launch interplanetary cubesats.  ;)

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