Monday, October 07, 2013

M Class Stars Can Produce Abiotic Oxygen, Ozone Rich Atmospheres

The Ultraviolet Radiation Environment Around M dwarf Exoplanet Host Stars


France et al.


The spectral and temporal behavior of exoplanet host stars is a critical input to models of the chemistry and evolution of planetary atmospheres. At present, little observational or theoretical basis exists for understanding the ultraviolet spectra of M dwarfs, despite their critical importance to predicting and interpreting the spectra of potentially habitable planets as they are obtained in the coming decades. Using observations from the Hubble Space Telescope, we present a study of the UV radiation fields around nearby M dwarf planet hosts that covers both FUV and NUV wavelengths. The combined FUV+NUV spectra are publically available in machine-readable format. We find that all six exoplanet host stars in our sample (GJ 581, GJ 876, GJ 436, GJ 832, GJ 667C, and GJ 1214) exhibit some level of chromospheric and transition region UV emission. No "UV quiet" M dwarfs are observed. The bright stellar Ly-alpha emission lines are reconstructed, and we find that the Ly-alpha line fluxes comprise ~37-75% of the total 1150-3100A flux from most M dwarfs; > 10^{3} times the solar value. The F(FUV)/F(NUV) flux ratio, a driver for abiotic production of the suggested biomarkers O2 and O3, is shown to be ~0.5-3 for all M dwarfs in our sample, > 10^{3} times the solar ratio. For the four stars with moderate signal-to-noise COS time-resolved spectra, we find UV emission line variability with amplitudes of 50-500% on 10^{2} - 10^{3} s timescales. Finally, we observe relatively bright H2 fluorescent emission from four of the M dwarf exoplanetary systems (GJ 581, GJ 876, GJ 436, and GJ 832). Additional modeling work is needed to differentiate between a stellar photospheric or possible exoplanetary origin for the hot (T(H2) \approx 2000-4000 K) molecular gas observed in these objects.

There was a paleo atmosphere paper which indicated the presence of oxygen prior to the great oxygenation event.  I have to wonder if UV flux from a younger star might not be the reason.

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