Friday, November 22, 2013

Deformation of the Jiaochang Structure Across the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary

Progressive Indosinian N-S Deformation of the Jiaochang Structure in the Songpan-Ganzi Fold-Belt, Western China


Deng et al


Integrated field data, microstructural and three-dimensional strain analyses are used to document coaxial N-S shortening and southward increase in deformation intensity and metamorphism at the Jiaochang structure. Two episodes of deformation (D1,D2) with localized post-D2 deformation have been identified in the area. The first deformation (D1) episode is defined by a main axial-plane of parallel folds observable on a micro- to kilometer-scale, while the second episode of deformation (D2) is defined by micro-scale metamorphic folds, associated with E–W oriented stretching lineation. These processes are the result of Indosinian tectonism (Late Triassic to Early Jurassic) characterized by nearly coaxial N-S compression and deformation. This is indicated by E–W trending, sub-parallel to parallel foliation (S1, e.g. axial-plane of folds, and S2, i.e. axial-plane of metamorphic folds, crenulation cleavage) and lineation (L1, e.g. axis of folds, and L2, i.e. stretching lineation, axis of metamorphic folds and B-axis of echelon lens). Most of the porphyroblasts and minerals (e.g. pyrite, biotite) show two growth phases with localized growth in the third phase (muscovite). The progressive D1–D2 structure is widespread in the south of the Jiaochang area, but only D1 structure crops out at the north. The strain intensity (γ), compression ratios (c%) and octahedral strain intensity (εs) are similar across the Jiaochang structure (i.e., γ ≈ 1.8, c ≈ 27%, εs = 0.9), showing a broad range of Flinn values (K = 0.77 to 7.57). The long-axis orientations are roughly symmetric between two limbs of the structure. Therefore, we suggest that the architecture of the Jiaochang structure has been controlled by coaxial N-S shortening and deformation (D1–D2) during the Indosinian tectonic epoch, with insignificant post-D2 deformation.

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