Friday, December 06, 2013

Revision to US Army LMAMS?

The US Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center (AMRDEC) has revised its Request for Information (RfI) on the proposed Lethal Miniature Aerial Munitions System (LMAMS) in an attempt to learn whether minor adjustments to the specified threshold requirements could have a significant impact on cost or programme schedule. It is also asking whether the proposed 18-month schedule for initial low-rate production is achievable, or if additional design update and/or qualification time is required.

Companies are also being asked if suitable methods or test procedures could reduce the amount of hardware that would have to be delivered for test and demonstration.

The original LMAMS RfI was released in August 2012, and the revised version was published in November 2013.

LMAMS is seen as a loitering precision-guided system deployed at small unit level to allow the engagement of enemy combatants without exposing the user to direct enemy fire. Likely system components include a fire-control unit (providing hardware and/or function such as data link, associated cables, operator interface, and mission preparation and execution functions); an all-up-round munition; and a training simulator. The hardware used in front-line operations should be suitable for dismounted or mounted patrolling operations.

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