Thursday, January 09, 2014

Precambrian Geodynamics

Precambrian geodynamics: Concepts and models


Taras Gerya


In contrast to modern-day plate tectonics, studying Precambrian geodynamics presents a unique challenge as currently there is no agreement upon paradigm concerning the global geodynamics and lithosphere tectonics for the early Earth. This review is focused on discussing results of recent modeling studies in the context of existing concepts and constraints for Precambrian geodynamics with an emphasis placed on three critical aspects: (1) subduction and plate tectonics, (2) collision and orogeny, and (3) craton formation and stability. The three key features of Precambrian Earth evolution are outlined based on combining available observations and numerical and analogue models. These are summarized below:

• Archean geodynamics was dominated by plume tectonics and the development of hot accretionary orogens with low topography, three-dimensional deformation and pronounced gravitational tectonics. Mantle downwellings and lithospheric delamination (dripping-off) processes are likely to have played a key role in assembling and stabilizing the hot orogens on a timescale up to hundreds of millions of years. Both oceanic-like and continental-like lithospheres were rheologically weak due to the high Moho temperature (> 800 °C) and melt percolation from hot partially molten sublithospheric mantle.

• Wide spread development of modern-style subduction on Earth started during Mesoarchean–Neoarchean at 3.2–2.5 Ga. This is marked by the appearance of paired metamorphic complexes and oldest eclogite ages in subcontinental lithospheric mantle. Numerical models suggest that the transition occurred at mantle temperatures 175–250 °C higher than present day values, and was triggered by stabilization of rheologically strong plates of both continental and oceanic type. Due to the hot mantle temperature, slab break-off was more frequent in the Precambrian time causing more episodic subduction compared to present day.

• Wide spread development of modern-style (cold) collision on Earth started during Neoproterozoic at 600–800 Ma and is thus decoupled from the onset of modern-style subduction. Cold collision created favorable conditions for the generation of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic complexes which become widespread in Phanerozoic orogens. Numerical models suggest that the transition occurred at mantle temperatures 80–150 °C higher than present day values and was associated with stabilization of the continental subduction. Frequent shallow slab break-off limited occurrence of UHP rocks in the Precambrian time.

Further progress in understanding Precambrian geodynamics requires cross-disciplinary efforts with a special emphasis placed upon quantitative testing of existing geodynamic concepts and extrapolating back in geological time, using both global and regional scale thermomechanical numerical models, which have been validated for present day Earth conditions.

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