Sunday, February 02, 2014

Automatic Detection of Asteroids

Automatic Detection of Asteroids and Meteoroids - A Wide Field Survey


Vereš et al


We propose a low-cost robotic optical survey aimed at 1−300 m Near Earth Objects (NEO) based on four state-of-the-art telescopes having extremely wide field of view. The small Near-Earth Asteroids (NEA) represent a potential risk but also easily accessible space resources for future robotic or human space in-situ exploration, or commercial activities. The survey system will be optimized for the detection of fast moving - trailed - asteroids, space debris and will provide real-time alert notifications. The expected cost of the system including 1-year development and 2-year operation is 1,000,000 EUR. The successful demonstration of the system will promote cost-efficient ADAM-WFS (Automatic Detection of Asteroids and Meteoroids - A Wide Field Survey) systems to be built around the world.

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