Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Ukraine: Count Down Ticking?

Our risk map is still MIA. From the sounds of things the Titushky are trying to take back Lvov/Lviv. Likewise, there have been protests in Donetsk. Neither side is making much progress.

The Rada seems to be in constant session. The opposition is pushing forward the plan to return to the 2004 Constitution. The PoR is resisting.

More journalists are getting beaten. Some are even disappearing.

Yanukovich doesn't seem to have either the guts (or nuts enough) to crush the protestors or the will to give in either. great way to cause a stalemate. The opposition seems to be stuck as well. My gut tells me both are waiting for the countdown for the amnesty law to expire. Then we'll see which one is on top.

The Europeans are threatening sanctions. The US has hinted at such.

Crimea has made a worrisome move: they have appealed to Putin.

There are supposed to be Russian SpecFor working out of a resort. The information has been 'confirmed' by Ukrainian Interior Ministry sources.

The Russians have been largely quiet until recently about Euromaidan other than saying the West should not interfere. Thats changed. There is talk besides from the blowhards about what to do with Ukraine. Some are suggesting intervening militarily and (!) annexing. Others are suggesting just the South and East. Another suggested just taking Sevastopol. Most are saying, 'wait until after Sochi.'

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