Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Ukraine Explodes

The deadline is here and Yanukovitch has made his move.   The revolution or crack down is currently developing.  There are numerous dead.

The police have advanced into the Maidan after clearing several barricades of protestors and surrounding the square.

Armored personnel carriers are now in play and that would indicate that the army has sided with the government.  These may be interior ministry troops instead.  If the government gets its act together there's no way for the protestors to resist the troops.

In the West, specifically Ivano-Frankovsk, Lviv and Ternopol, the protestors have overrun the government in retaliation and many, if not all of the interior troops have refused to attack the  protestors.

The Trade Union House was burning in the battle between the protestors and the Berkut police.

At least 20 are dead as of this writing.

Klitschko et al met with Yanukovich to 'negotiate' and he simply said the protestors must go home.  It appears Yanukovich was just playing for time to build up loyal troops to crush the protestors under the 'amnesty' law which was passed.

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