Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Ukraine: Here it Comes?

Still no risk map.

The deadline for vacating the buildings is coming up.  Euromaidan is NOT doing so.  Instead they are throwing up more barricades on streets and digging in more.  

The police are getting even more threatening.   Yet as it remains largely threats.

Even the defense minister is stating there are no grounds for the army to intervene.  

The US and Russia are effectively playing tug of war over Ukraine.  The EU, who ought to be slugging this out, is being very tentative and cautious.  Perhaps too cautious.  The irony of the Nuland f*ck the EU is that the Ukrainians actually like the US even more now.  I wonder how Klitschko feels about that.

On the shocking side, a judge (Alexander Lobodenko) who had been sentencing protestors to house arrest was shot and killed.  The question remains as to who did it.  Some fringy Euromaidan for sentencing the protestors?  Or some whackjobs from the Party of Regions for refusing to sentence the protestors to prison instead of house arrest.  Will we actually know?

Some members of the Party of Regions are suggesting decntralizing power: federalizing, which would mean east, west, and crimea most likely.  perhaps a 'south' too.

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