Monday, February 10, 2014

Ukraine: What now?

There are constant low level rumblings in Ukraine.  the protestors are still there.  The police and thugs still raid, on a small level.  Yet there seems to be little movement at all.

The police are threatening to get violent.

The protestors called for defense of the barricades over the weekend and only for not much to happen.

The Europeans have been primarily offering a carrot, but there are some comments, mostly from eastern europe, about using sanctions and a stick.

The US seems to be working in the background and using the stick more than the carrot.  If there was fallout from the wiretapping, then its in the background.  The Euromaidan seem happier with the US than ever.

Which is interesting, because they are growing more and more frustrated, from what I read online, with Europe.

Russia has apparently upped its ante somewhat quietly.  They are making threats with gas, natural gas, and cutting off supplies.   There are some warnings from folks in Russia that eating Ukraine would be a bad idea.  My bet is Russia will keep quiet until after Sochi.

And, no, no more Risk map.

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