Monday, February 24, 2014


This country really ought to be a musical.  A dark and scary one, but a musical all the same.  

Biggest news is that Yanukovich has been abandoned and on the run.  He was Kharkiv but that mayor went to Kiev.  Then he was Donetsk and tried to leave the country.  Flight permission was denied.  Last rumor was he was in Crimea.  He may be seeking refuge with the Russians in Sevastopol.

What will Crimea do?  That's a sticky question.  There have been a few calls for Russian protection.  Then again, that was in...Sevastopol.  The east has been willing to cooperate with Kiev at least for now.

I was right about the army though: Yanukovich did call them out.  I was wrong insomuch as even the Donetsk and other eastern troops refused.  That's beyond awesome.

What will Russia do is another big question.

What will Europe do is another.

What will the US do?

Finally, will the Euromaidan be able to work together?  or will we end up with another failed revolution like the Orange Revolution?

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