Thursday, February 06, 2014

US Navy Deeply Concerned About Growing Chinese Submarine Prowess

three Jin class in Hainan.  (img src China Defense)

The U.S. Navy sees the growth of the Chinese submarine fleet as a serious rising threat, according to a report issued by the Office of Naval Intelligence.

China’s Jin-class ballistic nuclear submarine will begin sailing deterrent patrols in 2014. It would mark the Chinese navy’s “first credible a-sea-second-strike nuclear capability,” according to the report. ONI prepared the report as part of testimony on the Chinese navy to the U.S. China Economic and Security Review.

The Chinese fleet consists of about 62 submarines. Of the 62, five are nuclear attack submarines, four are nuclear ballistic missile submarines and 53 are diesel attack subs.

ONI officials found that China has rapidly increased the offensive weapons technology aboard these subs. A decade ago, China could only fire anti-ship cruise missiles off a few submarines. That has changed. More than half now fire the anti-ship cruise missiles.


  1. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Why shd the US navy be concerned?The US military superiority in both conventional and nuclear forces over China is overwhelming.
    The US can easily destroy China a thousand times .The problem is because it can't be business as usual for US forces operating in Asia.The PLA is many rungs below that of peer status for the US.
    You know and everybody knows China has build up its defence not to threaten Asia as the bull shit implies. Rather it is to serve notice that shd the US because of its superpower status
    think it can be free to attack China with immunity , it will respond with devastating power.
    There won't be any more US nuclear blackmail/intimidation,coersion of China.The US maybe able to raze China but bear in mind,the PLA can wreak unacceptable destruction on US forces/assets.
    Believe me,the PLA are going ahead to build up a secure and invulnerable nuclear force deterrent.Not even amillion anti missiles will prevent any PLA response in the US initiate a nuclear strike.

  2. Anonymous4:32 PM

    That China is building up its submarine force aint surprising,least of all to the US.The Chinese have been under the US nuclear threat since 1950 and even now.I would like readers to read the US Freedom of Info Act.
    Some Pentagon hawks wanted to destroy China's atomic bomb budding program in 1964 so as to keep China weak.China along with the old SU,NK and other enemies of the US were programed for US nuclear strikes during Bush's ,a war criminal,time at the WH.
    So the Chinese are doing what the US are doing: to have a second and reliable nuclear deterrent with regard to subs. Don't give the bs this is a threat to the US.
    OH,the US can be a threat to China but China and others like NK must not be a threat to US forces.Get real.
    If the US stops being a threat to China,there will less tension in Asia.The PLA will continue to upgrade its military not to reach parity with the US military but to let the Pentagon know China can defend itself not only on the battlefield but to attacks on US assets.
    This is the new normal.The US can prevail but at massive costs and it can go up.

  3. Anonymous5:27 PM

    The headline is misleading.It is China which shd be more worried about the thousands of US nm targeted at it. China wants to be left alone and aint itching for a fight save in self defence.
    When China declared adiz in November,what did the US do?2 US 52s flew through it.It was provocation of the most extreme. China would have been naïve to shoot them down though the US said they were unarmed. You never know. They could be carrying nw.
    It could have given the Pentagon the excuse to attack China.That's why its imperative for China to build up its military not to challenge the US but rather to serve notice ,next time bombers flying into the adiz ,will be shot down.
    Until China has built up the military to respond with more bite,the PLA will have to eat humble pie.

  4. Anonymous5:23 PM

    So the latest Jap defence guideline is to help US ships under attack. For all you know it could the other way round ie attack China with the help of US warships.
    However it aint as easy as it appears for the simple reason ,China is a big power.Any use of Jap bases to attack China by US forces will be sure to invite PLA destruction of such places. For all you know Japan will be attacked by PLA missiles.
    For the first time in PLA history,the Chinese have the means to respond with their long
    range missiles. And with more powerful and faster missiles coming into the PLA inventory,the reach and destructive power of these missiles will ensure any US/Jap attack on China will exact a prohibitive price tag.

  5. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Obama signed legislation for the Pentagon to have a battle plan to neutralize China's nuclear deterrent hidden in the Great wall. China is a sovereign country which aint subject to the laws of the US.Oh . I get it. The US wants China to be perpetually like in Mao's time or better still the early 19th century when China was carved up.
    I recommend the Nobel peace committee rescind his award.
    .Don't give the bs China will start a war.
    It's the US which is probably the most likely to start a war when all the aces/odds are in its favour right now.However,it won't be a cakewalk.
    That is why China must have a submarine fleet carrying at least 500 five hundred nm.The US shdn't be worried by this.It has twenty thousand nm more than enough for defence.The problem is China has grown far more powerful these last 20 years and can respond
    devastatingly .If not the present friction between China and Japan is a golden opportunity for the US to tell China off.
    Last time the US nuclear threat could deter the PLA.If the US were ever to launch a nuclear strike on China,it will also get
    massive destruction ,a Vietnam war times many times.

  6. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Any PLA modernisation is a threat to the US and must be neutralised. THe US wants lock in its military superiority. The PLA need not go for parity. Sufficiency will do the job.
    This means the PLA must have the means to deter the US. That is why it's imperative for China to have a second,secure and invulnerable nuclear strike force
    able to deter the US and if that fails to strike at the US homeland .Rest assured the ChiComs are going all to develop
    more capable weapons systems.

  7. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Since the 50s,the US can easily destroy China with minimal damage. Since then the PLA has embarked on a rapid expansion of its military not to close the gap or spurt to parity. There is no need for either of these.It is to impose high costs. .
    The ability to respond to US attack is making the Pentagon edgy.These submarines are designed to deter not to attack.Sooner or later the US will not be able to impose its will on China.The bs about Chinese missile having the ability to destroy three US cities at one one go is part of this propaganda.The US can easily obliterate a hundred Chinese cities in 15 min. As for long range US weapons designed to attack China,can you blame the Chinese for counter measures.
    Don't be naïve and expect the US navy to benear China to launch tomahawk missiles with immunity and the crew laughing as these missiles were launched in the attack on SH.
    As we all know the price for prevailing over China has gone up and will keep on increasing.If the US is intent on destroying the PLA,rest assured the US pacific fleet awill be gone and the US homeland suffering corresponding damage.
