Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Late Paleozoic Deglaciation Transition in Southwestern Gondwana

The late Paleozoic El Imperial Formation, western Argentina: Glacial to post-glacial transition and stratigraphic correlations with arc-related basins in southwestern Gondwana


Henry et al


The El Imperial Formation of the San Rafael Basin records a succession of depositional environments during the latest Mississippian to earliest Permian that span before, during, and after the glaciation of west central Argentina. At the base of the formation, a restricted marine environment is recorded in mudstone containing marl and rippled and deformed sandstone beds. This unit, or sequence 1, is incised by a deltaic facies association composed of cross-bedded sandstone and conglomerate that form at least 5 stacked Gilbert deltas. The deltaic facies association grades upward into the glacially-influenced facies association, made up of stratified diamictite, mudstone with dropstones, and massive deformed sandstone, indicating deposition by wet-based tidewater glaciers that calved icebergs into the basin, with contributions from mass movement processes. The glacially-influenced facies association is overlain by mudstone and horizontally laminated and cross-bedded sandstone of the post-glacial open marine facies association, recording post-glacial transgression followed by relative sea level fall. The deltaic, glacially-influenced, and post-glacial open marine facies associations comprise sequence 2. Sequence 2 is incised by conglomerate of the upper fluvial member, or sequence 3.

The strata of the El Imperial Formation are correlated to those of the other arc-related basins of western Argentina: Río Blanco, Calingasta–Uspallata, and Tepuel. A Bashkirian transgression and fluvial incision in the El Imperial Formation correlate with events in the Río Blanco and Calingasta–Uspallata Basins to the north, whereas glaciation continues to the south in the Tepuel Basin through the Early Permian. The deviating stratigraphic record of the Tepuel Basin may be the result of its higher latitudinal position during the Pennsylvanian–Early Permian and higher altitude due to either tectonic convergence of the Patagonian microplate or convergence along the Panthalassan margin of southwestern Gondwana.

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