Monday, March 31, 2014

Ukraine: And then?

Kerry and Lavrov have been meeting a lot since the last update.  There have been some bitterness from Ukrainians, although not much, since the US has been insistent that no agreements can be made without Ukraine involved.

The interior ministry has moved against the Right Sector.  They raided the Dnipro hotel and removed the Right Sector from there.  They are being disarmed (so reports say) and transported out of Kiev.  I hope this is not the start of tearing at one another.

There are reports Russia has pulled back a battalion of troops from the Ukrainian border.  One Battalion is not much, really.  They are also supposed to be reducing the number of troops in Crimea.

The Russians have unilaterally declared the Black Sea basing agreement as null and void.

The Russians keep talking about federalization for Ukraine.  No one else seems to be listening.

The Crimean Tatars have voted for autonomy.  What that means remains to be seen.

Yanukovich continues to demonstrate what an idiot he is.

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