Monday, April 07, 2014

The Trouble With Turtles...and Their Phylogenic Placement

Traditional paleontological research has been upended over the past few decades, as less traditional fields, such as genomics and developmental biology, have weighed in on vertebrate evolution. Researchers have examined the lingering color elements in dinosaur feathers, the genetics of woolly mammoths, purported proteins and blood from dinosaurs, and other ancient fossil signatures using modern tools. But the question of turtle evolution has remained resistant to both traditional and novel methods.

More than 300 species of turtles exist today, but where they came from isn’t entirely clear. Turtles are the last big living vertebrate group to be placed firmly on the tree of life, and the arguments are getting messy. Three fields in particular — paleontology, developmental biology and microbiology/genomics — disagree about how, and from what, turtles may have evolved.

Traditional paleontologists have placed turtles, which are indisputably reptiles, in relation to a group of mostly extinct reptilian animals called anapsids, which don’t have holes in their skulls; however, analyses in the 1990s put turtles in the diapsid camp, which originally had two holes in their skulls, and closer to modern reptiles like snakes. Morphology places them near the group made up of lizards and birds and crocodiles.

Within that group, genomicists have found molecular data that places turtles closer to birds and crocodiles, rather than lizards and snakes. But even within genomics, there is debate.

Meanwhile, developmental biologists have figured out that turtles have very special shells, giving them unusual characteristics that might be found in the fossil record, though what that might look like remains to be seen.

All this disagreement thus leads back to paleontology. Find more fossils and you find more answers. But until that happens, what else can be done to solve the mystery of turtle evolution?

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