Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Ukraine: And the Pain Plays on

The bitter-sweetness of victory?  That's the feeling at the moment.  There are a number of events underway which could ruin Ukraine, but may help instead.

Yanukovych has given what has to be one of the bizarrest interviews since Charlie Sheen. He stated he did ask for help from Putin with soldiers, but hopes to negotiate the return of Crimea. He calls his request an utter mistake. The man is a complete idiot.

The Right Sector handed over a fair amount of improvised weapons to the National Guard. However, they did state they would be rearming until the situation in Ukraine has improved.

Poroshenko - the chocolate king (but not of chicago!) - seems to be gaining steam running for president. I hope he's better than Yanukovich. There are supposed to be 38 (!) candidates including Darth Vader! (oy) No to Timoshenko!!!  I hope Yatsenyuk keeps the PM spot though.

Ukrainians keep catching Russians with car loads of weapons. Not sure what to make of this.

The Russians, despite some earlier reports, have not pulled back their troops. Not even a battalion.

NATO has stated Russian can overrun eastern and southern Ukraine in no more than 5 days.

Russia has upped the price of gas to Ukraine. They have stated they may increase the price further to recoup the discounts they gave earlier to Ukraine. jerks. In retaliation, the West has promised to help Ukraine with getting off its Russian gas addiction. Perhaps this will include LNG stations on the Black Sea. One could hope.

Russia has also issued warnings to Ukraine about moving closer to NATO. 

On the embarrassing side Lyudmila Putina dressed in Ukrainian colors.  ;)

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