Thursday, April 17, 2014

Ukraine the Frustration

Whose chopper is that?

If White Wolf had made a game for what is happening in Ukraine, that is what they would have named it.  Good grief.

Ten cities are occupied by the LGM & supporters. 

Kramatorsk has had a wild last day.  Supposedly a battle for the airport took place and the attackers were repulsed.  There's been little news other than it happened.

Likewise in Slavyansk, this got weirder still.  6 BMD APCs were ridden into town under Russian colors.  The claim was the troops just handed over the APCs to the LGM and the bolts from their rifles.  The Russian media claim the troops went over to the LGM.  The Ukrainians claim these were captured APCs...from somewhere.  Stocks?  The uniforms do NOT support the idea these are Ukrainians.  OTOH, it appears the troops did surrender their equipment.

Mariupol  had a very large group attack the troops there: over 300 attackers.  The attack was repulsed with 3 dead LGM, 13 wounded and 63 captured.

The talks are supposed to begin in Geneva. The earlier rumors of a Russian boycott were obviously false.

After the great courage of the Ukrainian soldiers in Crimea, this is just disheartening.

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