Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Pentagon Offering Military Technology to India

The US has a number of “ground-breaking” defence technologies, including a helicopter and an unmanned aerial vehicle program, to offer to India for co-development and co-production, a top Pentagon official has said.

“We have a number of offers on the table for India. There’s a ground-breaking offer to share in the next generation of the Javelin missile, co-production and co-development,” Under Secretary of Defence for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, Frank Kendall, told reporters.

He said the offers in the list also include a helicopter program and an unmanned aerial vehicle program.

“We have an artillery piece. We have a number of things in different stages of process,” said Kendall, who has been tasked by US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel to lead Pentagon’s Defence Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI) with India.

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