Monday, June 30, 2014

Russian Army T-64BV From 205th Infantry Brigade Captured, IDed in Ukraine

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defence (MoD) published pictures on 29 June of a T-64BV main battle tank (MBT), captured in east Ukraine, that it claims has come from Russian military stocks.

"Based on a preliminary analysis of these samples of weapons and equipment, most likely we can speak of the Russian Federation as the country of origin of seized vehicles and weapons," an MoD statement read.

The T-64 in question was captured during an attack on the Ukrainian military near Artemivsk, in Donetsk region, the MoD stated, adding it "was not and is not" registered as part of the inventory of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The MoD states that the "T-64BV under this serial number was issued in October 1987 at the Kharkov Tank Factory and sent to a military unit, which at that time [was] stationed in Russia. Currently, there is an opportunity to argue that [the tank]... until recently, was on the list [of the] 205th Infantry Brigade, which is stationed in the Russian city [of] Budenovskiy. These [serial] numbers are the tank hull number, the numbers of its units and batteries manufactured at a business in St Petersburg".

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