Monday, June 09, 2014

Testing Proxies for Mobility Patterns in Paleolithic Northern Italy and Southeastern France

Changes in mobility patterns as a factor of site density variation in the Late Epigravettian of Northern Italy and Southeastern France


Naudinot et al


This paper critically considers the use of radiocarbon dates as a demographic proxy for past population. Our goal is not to reject or valid this approach. We even did not focus on the various bias of this approach or on the several correction methods used to reduce them. We rather argue that when trying to interpret 14C dates in a demographic perspective, it is essential to analyze socio-economic parameters. Studying the case of the Late Glacial Upper Palaeolithic of Southeastern France and Northern Italy, we demonstrate that the use of techno-economic approaches allows discussing this way to interpret the radiocarbon data. From this analysis we argue that a change in the density of dates cannot be simply interpreted in term of demography. We demonstrate that these variations can be the result of changes in the way people organize themselves in a territory. In other word, we argue that mobility patterns are somehow responsible for the density of dates and sites.

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