Friday, June 27, 2014

Ukraine: Patterns of Dying or Flaring Embers

The ceasefire has been ordered to be extended for another three days. 

The negotiations continue, but nothing has come to fruition.

Ukraine signed the association agreement with the EU.  So did Moldova and Georgia. 

The Russians have threatened the Ukrainians if the EU pact harms the Russian economy.

A national guard base in Donetsk was taken by the pro Russians.

In Kramatorsk, the LGM used a reported *8* tanks to attack the Ukrainian army.  Casualties reported were very light considering.  Were they really tanks?  Or AFVs of some other stripe?

Another tank was used at Artemivsk against the Ukrainian army.

Another attack took place near Slavyansk.

Near Lugansk, another 25 armoured fighting vehciles crossed into Ukraine.

In videos online, there's an increasing number of American Hummers and trucks the Ukrainian army is using. 

The Russians are staging a very large number of AFVs in the Voronezh Oblast.

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