Thursday, June 19, 2014

Ukraine: Patterns Within Patterns

The fighting continues in Ukraine.

Battles are intensifying around Lugansk.  It's looking more and more like the Ukrainians are moving very large forces there.  I've seen videos of company sized tank units in the area and more.  I suspect there will be a big push in the next week for the area.

There are clashes in Kramatorsk and Slavyansk.  The shelling is brutal at times, but not long lasting. This appears to be being done by the Ukrainians.

The LGM on the other hand are doing the same back to Krasnyi Liman.  Most recently the hospital there was shelled.  It appears to be mortar fire.

The Russians are turning their equipment supplies to the LGM and levees to from a drip to a dribble.  Reports are of 3 more GRAD MLRS crossed today, that were seen.  Probably more. 

The Russian army's second build up by the Ukrainian border has been confirmed by NATO and the White House.  More and more this looks like we had a troop rotation.

Poroshenko was on the phone with Putin to discuss and try to reach an agreement on the cease fire.  Later Lavrov accused Poroshenko of merely playing for time.  The irony is Pushilin (the DNR's rep) was the first to reject the truce.  

Digging through the videos online and sources of information online, there is a LOT of blatantly stunningly false information.  This is especially true from the Russian sources - Russia Today, etc.  Stunningly, they often splice in video from Iraq from 4+ years ago and state its happening in Ukraine, esp when it comes to the American troops or Mercs, in Ukraine.  The dubs of American Congress critters are also amusing: you can find almost all the originals online.

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