Thursday, July 10, 2014

Plants From Dinosaur Fossils Sites in Barremian Cretaceous Spain

Palaeobotanical remains associated with dinosaur fossils from the Camarillas Formation (Barremian) of Galve (Teruel, Spain)


Villanueva-Amadoz et al


A well-preserved macroflora and rich palynological assemblages corresponding to the Camarillas Formation (early-middle Barremian) in the San Cristóbal and Galve Mine sites from the Galve sub-basin in northeastern Spain are presented here. These remains represent the first fossil plant evidence from these deposits. Within plant macroremains, the cheirolepidiacean Pseudofrenelopsis aff. varians (Fontaine) Watson has been found. The palynological assemblage yielded well-preserved spores and pollen grains, mainly dominated by the genus Classopollis. Spores are also abundantly represented by schizaeacean spores (Cicatricosisporites and Plicatella). This spore assemblage supports an early-middle Barremian age for these localities. It is noteworthy that small basal angiosperm pollen grains of the genera Crassipollis and Retimonocolpites, together with other indeterminate grains, have been reported here. This flora constitutes the primary food producer for dinosaur at that time, and thus the information of the flora is important for the understanding of the ecological background for the dinosaur evolution during the Early Cretaceous.

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