Monday, July 07, 2014

Ukraine: a New, Hopeful Pattern

I chose the wrong time going on vacation!  A lot has happened in Ukraine.  A lot which is hopeful.  if you are a Ukrainian Nationalist at least.

The Ukrainians have taken Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Riznykivka, Artemivsk, Kostyantynivka, Semenivka & Druzhkivka, in Donetsk Oblast.

The Ukrainians have taken Zakotne, Raygorodka, RaiOleksandrivka & Korolevka in Lugansk Oblast.

The Ukrainians took back Karlivka in Poltava Oblast.

The Ukrainian army is on a roll.

The Ukrainian army has stated it will blockade Donetsk & Lugansk rather than fight their way in. However, this may be a ruse.

The fighting has been reported in Krasnodon, near Donetsk, on the Russian border and on the outskirts of Lugansk.

The Ukrainians brought food into the areas retaken.

Donetsk had a rally in support of the DPR. It has had a larger than previous rally attempts.

The welcoming of the National Guard in Kramatorsk by some residents was less than friendly. The UNG kept their temper and did not open fire.

More tanks have been reported to have crossed the border again.  There had been, or seemed to be, a pause after the Ukrainians captured the tank which was from the Russian stocks.  No more.

There have been multiple railroad bridges which have been destroyed.  Most recently, one in the Donetsk region which had a train on it.  However, two others were just prior.  

The Maidan movement went back into the square again.  They have stated they will not leave until demands are met.  I'm still trying to figure them out.  They won and yet they seem to think a nation as crippled as Ukraine can be healed in days.

Someone came into the Maidan and started looking for nonSlavs.  No word as to why.

Others were shot.  The government and the Maidan agree this was an attempt to cause tension between the Maidan and government.

The battles are ongoing, the war is far from done, but Ukraine is definitely not yet dead.

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