Thursday, July 10, 2014

Ukraine: Patterns of Waiting

Ukraine is in a hold state. The Ukrainians have moved up more troops and equipment. They are probing the pro Russians.

They originally stated they will be holding off from storming Donetsk and Lugansk. That seems to have changed. They are actively talking about assaulting Donetsk. As a result, people are now fleeing the city. Whether they do or don't, the emptying of the city is a good idea based on Slayansk. oy.

The Ukrainians took back Siversk and Chervonopartyzansk.

There are rumors the US will be helping to rebuild the Donbass. Not sure whether to believe that or not.

Russian helicopters violated the Ukrainian border on the Donbass, penetrating around 4 km in.

More bridges have been blown by the pro Russians ouside of Donetsk.

Everyone keeps talking about the 'nasty surprise' the Ukrainians have promised the pro russians.  It might have been a minor rhetorical flourish which  now has taken a life of its own.

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