Monday, August 04, 2014

Ukraine: Patterns of Chaos

Over the last few days, the Ukrainians have taken Marjinka and Yasynuvata, entered Donetsk and are pushing on Stakhanov.

The days for the Donetsk People's Republic are numbered barring the Russians moving in their troops en mass.  I'll almost wager the DNR (their acronym) has about 2 to 3 week left without major help.

However, its not been all good news.

The border has been becoming more and more problematic. Even though the Ukrainians often control the territory in depth past the border, the Russians have been pounding the border positions relentlessly. In multiple places, the Ukrainian border forces have been forced to withdraw.

The worst was the embattled 72nd Brigade was forced into a retreat. Over 300 soldiers were left as a rearguard to allow for the rest of the brigade to withdraw and facing annihilation did something which may have enormous implications: they crossed the border into Russia. The Russians claim they are defecting. The Ukrainians claim they merely were trying a desperate gambit to keep from being wiped out. Ukraine is seeking to get them back. Russia is having none of it. Now what happens next is going to be worse than a prickly pear on steroids and mean.

The Ukrainians may have lost another Su-25.

The Russians have continually bombarded the Ukrainians. They are also engaging in repeated and regular violations of the Ukrainian airspace. They have between 15,000 to 33,000 troops now on the border. They have also started a new military exercise on the border with 100 aircraft.

On the horrible, but inevitable side, Lugansk and several other places have run out of medical supplies, almost all food, water, electricity and gas service is ended. A very similar situation reigns in Gorlovka and Donetsk is rapidly approaching the same.

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