Monday, September 29, 2014

Ukraine: Frogs in Winter

Despite the fact the world's press seems to have largely moved on, the situation in Ukraine is far from over.

The heaviest fighting is at the Donetsk airport. The Ukrainian forces are holding on though I have to wonder about their supplies at this point. 9 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and an APC lost to tank fire. The Ukrainians claim to have killed 50 rebels in their two attacks.

Ukraine is not going to be ready for winter. Gas supplies are low. Russia cut off supplies earlier. Hungary just cut off the backflow into Ukraine as well as GazProm's insistence. The other flows they are getting are not enough and Ukraine will be in deep trouble. Expect deep trouble for Kiev's government as the temperature drops.

Russia has repeatedly voiced demands to modify the treaty between the EU and Ukraine. The EU came out and said 'no' finally.

Russia hs opened a criminal case against Ukraine? Government officials in it? for genocide against the Russian speaking portions of Ukraine, especially the Donbass. I can only groan over this one, but, well, not only that. I have to wonder what this is being developed as the pretext for though.

Japan has further strengthened sanctions against Russia.

Ukraine's economy is burnt toast. Russia's in going down the tubes as well: the claims are this is due to the sanctions.

Even so, Poroshenko has stated Ukraine will apply for membership in the European Union in 2020.

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