Monday, October 27, 2014

Russia Offers to Collaborate With Indonesia on Diesel Submarine Development

Russia has extended an offer to Indonesia's newly inaugurated president, Joko Widodo, to expand military and technical co-operation between the two countries.

News agencies in both countries reported that Russia's Minister for Industry and Trade, Denis Manturov, met with Widodo in Jakarta on 21 October, one day after Widodo was inaugurated as president, and that the two discussed opportunities for increasing trade and collaboration in spheres including defence.

Indonesian news agencies quoted Manturov as stating that Russia was "ready to promote and develop" defence industrial co-operation with Indonesia, while Russian information service TASS reported that a potential area of collaboration could be Project 636 Varshavyanka ('Kilo')-class diesel electric submarines.

Keep in mind India's 'collaboration' with Russia for the T-50, guys.  Its not much of a collaboration and more like Russia is taking their $.

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