Friday, December 12, 2014

Evidence of Calymmian MesoProterozoic Tidal/River Delta System From Brazil

Mesoproterozoic delta systems of the Açuruá Formation, Chapada Diamantina, Brazil




Facies analysis, distinct depositional paleoflow directions and grain size ranges suggest that different fluvial systems fed coeval distinct, independent river-dominated and tide-dominated braid delta systems in the Mesoproterozoic Açuruá Formation. The river-dominated delta system is characterized by: (a) vertical stacking of parasequences up to 30 m which are characterized by coarsening- and thickening-upward trends; (b) gradationally based vertical succession of prodelta, delta front, distributary channels, and floodplain; (c) grain size of sandstone from delta front and distributary channels varies respectively from very fine to medium and medium to coarse; (d) lacking of wave or tide reworking suggests delta development in a relatively low energy marine basin; (e) paleocurrent readings indicate delta front sandstone bodies shifting laterally towards NE to SE directions. The tide-dominated delta system is characterized by: (a) vertical stacking of parasequences up to 25 m which are characterized by coarsening- and thickening-upward trends; (b) gradationally based vertical succession of prodelta, delta front and tide-influenced distributary channels; (c) grain size of sandstone from delta front and tide-influenced distributary channels varies respectively from very fine to coarse and fine to granular; (d) abundance of tide-influenced sedimentary structures suggest tidal dominated delta development; (e) consistent bidirectional paleocurrents with northwards ebb-tide direction and no lobe shifting. The studied braid delta systems belong to a highstand system tract and as such, they exhibit classic parasequence sets with progradational stacking pattern. The facies association variability and overall characteristics of these Mesoproteozoic delta systems are compatible with delta systems of all ages. However, contrary to typically Phanerozoic deltas – which are characterized by progradational clinoforms – the coalescence of the studied braid delta facies associations promoted fairly sheet-like geometry limited by marine flooding surface that more likely resulted from the response of deposition on shallow and wide epeiric sea.

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