Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Evidence of Minas Accretionary Orogeny From Siderian PaleoProterozoic

A juvenile accretion episode (2.35-2.32 Ga) in the Mineiro belt and its role to the Minas accretionary orogeny: zircon U-Pb-Hf and geochemical evidences


Teixeira et al


Zircon U-Pb-Hf and geochemical data provide new clues for a juvenile TTG segment in the Mineiro belt, outlined by published information about the nearby 2.35 Ga Lagoa Dourada suite. The Resende Costa Orthogneiss and coeval rocks yield U-Pb crystallization ages from 2351 ± 48 to 2317 ± 16 Ma and coherent Sm-Nd TDM ages between 2.3 and 2.5 Ga. These rocks show ɛNd(2.35Ga) and ɛSr(2.35Ga) values that suggest derivation from a short-lived, slightly depleted source akin to products of island arcs, whereas the geochemistry is consistent with a tholeiitic source with minor crustal assimilation. The positive to negative zircon ɛHf(2.35Ga) suggest the subordinate involvement of crustal components during the hypothesized c. 2.35 Ga slab subduction event. In a similar manner, metabasalts (lower unit) of the adjoining Congonhas-Itaverava belt show Nd-Sr isotopic and chemical constraints indicating derivation from an early Paleoproterozoic tholeiitic source subjected to crustal assimilation. A coeval metagraywacke from the upper unit yields U-Pb zircon detrital ages as young as 2349 + 14 Ma suggesting the maximum depositional age for the precursor basin (foreland setting?) whilst most of the grains indicate contribution from nearby Archean sources. The Resende Costa-Lagoa Dourada rocks characterize the precocious arc magmatism of the Minas accretionary orogeny. This composite orogeny created the Mineiro belt and the adjoining Mantiqueira and Juiz de Fora belts in the 2.35-2.00 Ga interval. Due to such a polycyclic framework the Resende Costa Orthogneiss and coeval rocks show multiple metamorphic overprints dated at 2140 and 2050 Ma. The new and compiled data and regional geologic correlations provide evidence for a growing Paleoproterozoic landmass in the South America continent.

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