Thursday, February 05, 2015

Cranial Ontogeny of the Early Triassic Cynodont Thrinaxodon liorhinus

Ontogeny of the Early Triassic Cynodont Thrinaxodon liorhinus (Therapsida): Cranial Morphology


Jasinoski et al


The cranial morphology of 68 Thrinaxodon liorhinus specimens, ranging in size from 30 – 96mm in basal skull length, is investigated using both qualitative and quantitative analyses. From this comprehensive survey, we determined that nine cranial features, including five in the temporal region, separated the sample into four ontogenetic stages. A bivariate analysis of 60 specimens indicated that the skull generally increased in size isometrically, with the exception of four regions. The orbit had negative allometry, a result consistent with other ontogenetic studies of tetrapods, whereas the length of the snout, palate, and temporal region showed positive allometry. The last trend had strong positive allometry indicating that during ontogeny the length of the sagittal crest increased at a much faster rate than the rest of the skull. The large number of changes in the temporal region of the skull of Thrinaxodon may indicate a greater development of the posterior fibres of the temporalis musculature from an early ontogenetic stage. For example, the posterior sagittal crest developed much earlier in ontogeny than the anterior crest that formed in adults, and bone was deposited dorsally creating a unified posterior sagittal crest rather than having a suture that spanned the entire depth of the skull roof. In combination with the isometric height of the zygomatic arch and the almost complete absence of the zygomatic arch angulation, these ontogenetic changes suggest that there was greater development of the temporalis relative to the masseter muscles, indicating a strong posterodorsal movement of the mandible in Thrinaxodon.

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