Friday, February 27, 2015

Long Range Strike Bomber Vital for US Nuclear Deterrent

Completing development of the classified Long-Range Strike Bomber (LRS-B) programme is essential to the US nuclear deterrent because of the advanced age of the US Air Force's (USAF's) existing bomber fleets, the military official responsible for US strategic deterrence said on 26 February.

"Our air leg is supported today by the B-2 and the B-52 aircraft," said US Strategic Command (STRATCOM) chief Admiral Cecil Haney during a House Armed Services Committee hearing. "The B-52, which was last off the assembly line in 1962, will be used out until at least the 2040 time period. It is very important we invest in the long-range bomber."


  1. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Rest assured the PLA will be working on counter measures.Believe me these planes will be shot down before they can even reach 500 five hundred km from China.The USAF is used to air superiority but in Vietnam they had almost 90% and yet many planes were shot down.
    To me this is a waste of money in a vain attempt to prolong US military dominance.
    Take it from me the PLA aint looking for parity with US military but rather an assured destruction capability and they will work towards reaching that goal unless the Pentagon provokes a war as it did in Vietnam

  2. Anonymous12:35 AM

    China must have long range missiles which can streak towards their targets in less than 5 min.This will act as a deterrent to US provocation .
    Since no country will attack the US unless attacked,it is crucial China has the tools to defend itself from US conventional/nuclear attack.
    Btw,the US pivot to Asia is nothing but charade to contain China.That is why for all the public good intentions of the Us towards China,the PLA must be strong and able to deter credibly with conventional/nuclear forces.
    The immnse US defnce budget will in time cause the US to become a
    banana republic.
    Nothing lasts for ever. Pax America is starting to decay.China must be on guard incase the US provokes a war.
    But I am confident China 2015
    will be able to defend China unlike the past.

  3. Anonymous4:11 PM

    The US currently has 20000 twenty thousand nm enough to destroy China a thousand times.Yet it is upgrading
    its nuclearforces at a few trillion over a 30 year period in a vain attempt to restore immunity the conus had from 1945 to 2010.
    The Chinese aint going to stand still and be intimidated/destroyed by the
    immense US military.
    They will be searching for new game changing weapons and will reach an assured destruction capability soon. What the PLA is looking for is the capacity to destroy at least 50 to 80% of the conus shd the wh deside to send China to the stone/early man stage.
