Monday, March 09, 2015

Changes in Permian Pecylosaur Composition of Permian Terrestrial European Ecologies

Patterns of changes in Theromorph taxa of Permian terrestrial communities of Eastern Europe




The evolution of Late Permian tetrapod communities which include Theromorpha is examined in the territory of Eastern Europe. It is noteworthy that changes in the taxonomic composition of analogous ecobiomorph groups are connected with certain biotic or abiotic factors. The analysis of these factors allows the recognition of presumable causes of the crises in communities, which are determined to a greater or lesser extent by taxonomic changes. It is shown that the crisis in the middle of the Permian was caused primarily by abiotic (tectonic) reasons, while the crisis at the end of the Permian was complex, determined by a combination of biotic, local tectonic, and global factors.

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