Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Two new Mammal Localities From Lower Cretaceous Siberia

Two new mammal localities within the Lower Cretaceous Ilek Formation of West Siberia, Russia


Averianov et al


Two new mammal localities have been discovered in the Lower Cretaceous Ilek Formation of West Siberia, Russia, during a field work in 2014. The Smolenskii Yar locality in the Chebula District of Kemerovo Province produced an upper molariform tooth (M2) of a Gobiconodontidae indet. The Ust’-Kolba locality in the Tisul’ District of Kemerovo Province yielded a lower molar (m2) of the zhangheotherian Kiyatherium sp. These are the ninth and tenth Mesozoic mammal localities for Russia. The Kiyatherium-bearing vertebrate assemblage from the Shestakovo 3 and Ust’-Kolba localities is likely to be the youngest within the Ilek Formation, reflecting the time after the extinction of the Tritylodontidae.

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