Friday, May 08, 2015

Japan Revisits Slow Aircraft Capable Of Firing Huge AAMs

Almost 60 years ago, the U.S. Navy looked at replacing fleet-defense fighters with low-performance aircraft firing high-performance missiles. The program was canceled in 1960, replaced with development of aircraft that could do more than loiter and lob missiles at distant air targets. But now Japan, challenged with a numerically superior Chinese fighter force, is taking another look at the idea.


I touched on the idea using Avenger drones as the carrier fleet air defense.  Amusingly, this was being considered for the A-12 Avenger II stealth bomber the US Navy cancelled. 

However, let's take it a few steps further and consider the FA-XX.

The US Navy has stated they will no longer be buying manned fighters after the F-35C.   Rather than a traditional fighter, we have a tactical combat controller.  Imagine instead an aircraft which is closer akin to the EA-6 Prowler.  It has a four seat cockpit, like the Prowler.  One seat in the aviator.  One is the electronic warfare/cyberwarfare officer.  Another two are drone operators, ahem, UCAV. 

It might be fast - to get in and out of a situation - and it might be stealthy so as to not compromise the stealthy UCAVs its working with.  However, its highly unlikely to be a highly maneuverable aircraft.  You're looking at a speculative 4 G turn max. It will have a long endurance and long range.  It may operate at high altitudes.  It will almost assuredly be under 80k lbs max take off weight.

As for armament, its likely to have a self defense laser much like the Avenger FD drone and an internal missile bay.  This will be for somewhere between six to eight long range missiles and probably four short range, smaller missiles which are the inheritor in spirit of the Sidewinder.  It might even have something crazy as a gun besides the laser.  Maybe something like an overgrown, 20mm EXACTO.

It might even have laser com links rather than radio for when its communicating with the UCAVs. 

There are likely to be a large number of sensors, many of them are likely to be passive.  I can see something like the ARGUS pod being standard and embedded in the skin of the aircraft.  For that matter, IR cameras as well.  The IRST and EOST capability is in constant use to track and ID everything around: target designation is done in software rather than painting the target.  Yes, there would still be a radar and possibly even a long range LIDAR. 

The point of all of this is the FA-XX may go zoom and be stealthy and be able to protect itself, but its really meant to be a long range command and control asset. 

As for what it looks like, I think irony might work best here.  The start point might look like Republic's TFX proposal, updated, stealthy and tailless.  Make the swing wings be longer and made from a radar transparent composite to allow for longer loiter time, but still swing them back to go zip away if things go pear shaped.

I may try a doodle.  I may not.

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