Monday, May 11, 2015

NERSC Supercomputer Seminar Tomorrow Webcast, Public may Join

CS/NERSC Seminar: NERSC's relationship with the Joint Genome Institute
Berkeley Lab – Computing Sciences Seminar Series
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

12:00pm - 1:00pm

NERSC OSF 943, Conference Room 238

Kjiersten Fagnan

NERSC's relationship with the Joint Genome Institute

Have you ever wondered what the JGI does? Or why they generate so many tickets? Or why they need so many large file systems? In thisbrown bag I'll give an overview of the JGI, the science they do and how NERSC supports them. I'll cover their data management system, JAMO, some of the workflows and pipelines they run to process data and talk a little bit about the joint projects we have to improve the JGI's scientific computing practices.

password is 'Cori'.

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